Remote Learning


We are prepared to provide children with learning at home through Teams and our VLE. Each child has their own log on, which are provided to parents at the beginning of each year.

Our Remote Learning is provided in a range of formats to support age and stage of development as well as providing opportunities for face to face contact through lesson introductions, drop-in support sessions and story times.

We appreciate that every family has different circumstances and we are here to support with any issues or concerns you may have.  Please complete as much of this work as possible, as is feasible with your circumstances. 

Please contact your class teacher using the usual email addresses or ring the school office. If your email details have changed, please contact the school office or complete the form here online.

EYFS provision is on the VLE and all home learning is shared through Tapestry online.

Click on your year group for your VLE:

 EYFS                                                                     Year 1/2                                                Year 3/4                                                              Year 5/6





 PSHE & wellbeing resources for parents/carers

  (or enter kS1/maths) - or Google ‘Nrich’ if you can’t access directly using the URL

RSP Guides to support parents/carers and pupils - easier than Google!

RSP Grammar

RSP Spelling - coming soon!

RSP Maths

RSP Online Safety

Login Details reminder
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Max length 120 characters
Max length 120 characters
Max length 120 characters