Willow Class

Welcome to Willow Class. Our teacher is called Miss Newton and our learning is supported by a team of Learning Support Assistants that work across school.


Willow Class is part of Upper Key Stage 2. We are now far more independent in our learning and can concentrate for longer and are preparing for our transition on to secondary school. We continue to have plenty of opportunity to talk and collaborate as we learn and ensure we are developing fantastic learning skills ensure we are reading secondary school.  


We know that at the end of key stage 2, we complete our SATs. These are tests that support our transition to high school and help our secondary teachers prepare for our next steps. We try hard not to worry about these tests and keep learning fun and exciting. Our learning across the year helps us prepare for these tests so that we can be the best that we can be.


Reading continues to be a huge focus for us. We continue to work on our comprehension skills and focus on being able to understand a text at greater depth both through discussion and in our written work. We still read at home every day but not always to an adult as we enjoying reading more independently now.


Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. On PE days, we can come to school in our PE kit. If you are not sure what to wear, visit our uniform pages to find out.


The Rawdon St. Peter’s Curriculum has been written by our teachers. They have made sure our learning experiences are fun, exciting and prepare us for the next steps in our learning. Our Long Term Plans for the curriculum are linked at the beginning of the page but you can find out more about what we are learning this half term, including homework, in the links below.


UKS2 Curriculum Map - Summer 2

UKS2 Knowledge Organiser - Summer 2

Year 5 Pick and Mix Homework - Summer 2

Year 5 Pick and Mix Homework - Summer 2


Our teachers in school are always happy to answer any questions you may have. They come on to the playground five minutes before the bell rings each morning to talk to us and our parents. If there isn’t enough time to talk then, they will arrange to ring home at a mutually convenient time. If its easier, your class teacher can be contacted via the school office or by emailing willow@rawdonstpeters.co.uk.


You can find out more about how we learn by following the links below:

Upper Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview Cycle A 2024 - 2025 (version 2)

Upper Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview Cycle B 2023 - 2024 (version 1)

KS2 Spelling Curriculum

National Curriculum